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Server-Log Explorer: Analyze Access Logs Easily and Efficiently

Analyze your website's access logs and gain valuable insights into your visitors' behavior.


Data available instantly

Attack Detection

Detect attacks early


No premium account needed

Why You Need the Server-Log Explorer

The Server-Log Explorer is a powerful tool that helps you analyze your website's access logs and gain valuable insights into your visitors' behavior. You can detect attack attempts, identify traffic patterns, and optimize your website's performance by, for example, eliminating unnecessary API calls.

With the Server-Log Explorer, you get:

  • Live access to your access logs
  • Detection of attack attempts
  • 30-day lookback on your logs

The Server-Log Explorer is an indispensable tool for any website operator who wants to optimize the security and performance of their website.

Main Features of Our Server-Log Explorer

Live Access to Your Access Logs

View your website's access logs in real-time. Gain immediate insights into your visitors' behavior and respond quickly to potential issues.

  • Identify traffic spikes and patterns instantly
  • Detect attack attempts in real-time
  • Optimize website performance based on log data

30-Day Lookback on Your Logs

Access your website's access logs from the past 30 days. Analyze past traffic patterns, detect long-term trends, and optimize your website's performance based on historical data.

  • Identify long-term traffic trends
  • Optimize content strategy based on historical data
  • Recognize seasonal fluctuations and plan accordingly

Server-Log Explorer in Action

Server-Log Explorer

This example shows our Server-Log Explorer in action. With this tool, you can always keep track of:

  • The number of visitors on your website
  • The most popular pages and content
  • Geographical distribution of your visitors
  • Access sources and devices of your visitors

Use Cases: Make the Most of the Server-Log Explorer

The Server-Log Explorer offers numerous use cases that help you optimize your website's security and performance. Here are some examples of how you can benefit from our tool:

E-Commerce Optimization

Quickly find error pages to avoid a poor user experience.

Refine Content Strategy

Analyze access logs to understand the popularity of your content and adjust your content strategy accordingly.

Technical Performance Optimization

Identify slow pages and unnecessary API calls to improve website performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How fast is the data available in the Server-Log Explorer?

The data is available immediately after connection. However, there may be delays with high traffic volumes.

Can I export my website's access logs?

Currently, export is not possible. However, an export function to export data as PDF or CSV is planned for the future.

Protect Your Website Today

Use the Server-Log Explorer to optimize your website and gain valuable insights into your visitors' behavior.

Register for Free Now

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